Updates Archives - September 2007

Updates for September of 2007

   September 22, 2007

+ [12:58 pm] - There are new images in the Gallery from the first issue of the 1992 mini-series comic book, The New Adventures of Beauty and the Beast.
Edit: I have made updates to various pages, especially in the Beauty and the Beast section.

   September 21, 2007

+ [12:52 am] - There is a new layout up! I did like the previous one but I wanted to make this new one! It features the Kingdom Hearts Stained Glass Image and I think it still looks October-y and Halloween-like, so I hope everyone likes it! Also there seems to be something wrong with the index page of the Gallery, so I'll try to get that fixed asap!
[EDIT]: The Gallery is now back up!!! I'll add some more images today!

   September 16, 2007

+ [02:49 am] - I have added some more images to the Gallery featuring some of the Special Features from Disc 1, so I've gotten those images from Disc 1 all done (except for the Work In Progress Edition and Original Theatrical Release edition, those shall come soon as well) and I've put up also the Entrance images from Disc 2. I hope to be able to add some of the features from Disc 2 today later on.

   September 08, 2007

+ [12:59 am] - There is a new layout up here and in the Gallery, both Halloween themed since it is September and getting closer to October here where I am from, it will soon be Halloween! I love Halloween! I was going to use the Wolves in the layouts as well but did not have much room, so maybe next year. I will also be adding a few images to the gallery and updating the Appearances and References page with some information and an image about a reference in the television show Gargoyles. There is another television show that I remember seeing a reference of Beauty and the Beast on, and I think I'll add that one too, although I do not have an image for that one sadly. I also added another Similar Movie.

   September 01, 2007

+ [01:38 am] - I've added some images to the Gallery, some beginning sketches, coloring pages, posters, and images of the musical. I've also updated the Beauty and the Beast Movies page and the Beauty and the Beast Books page.
There was a live-action version of Beauty and the Beast released in March of this year, and it looks like a pretty good movie. At the Official Website of this movie there are downloads, pictures, the story, and the trailers, as well as other things, so you might want to go and look at that. I haven't seen the movie but I found it tonight while searching and I thought it looked pretty neat.