
Opened: Saturday, November 05, 2005
Construction Began: approx. Friday, October 07, 2005

I have always had a great love for Beauty and the Beast, and in August/September 2005 I decided to make a website dedicated to this wonderful masterpiece. (My boyfriend actually suggested I make this website ). I already had so many images saved on a disk, and I mean countless of images. My first step was figuring out how to put everything together. I sought the help of Misty and she helped me out enormously. In October 2005, I was ready to begin my website.

Why Did I Decide To Build Tale As Old As Time?

There are many reasons why I chose to make a Beauty and the Beast Website. One of them is that I LOVE Beauty and the Beast! It is such a wonderful story and movie, that I feel it deserves a special place. The characters, music, settings, and everything that has to do with this movie are all amazing!

Another reason has to do with searches on the web. While searching for other Beauty and the Beast websites, I did not find that many, and some that I did find were started but unfortunately no longer updated. I dreamed of an ultimate Beauty and the Beast website with all the information I could imagine, until one day I decided I would make an attempt at creating this website.

About the name...

Why did I choose to name this website Tale As Old As Time?
I debated for some time on what to name this website, and I settled on Tale As Old As Time because it is a lyric in the beautiful song "Beauty and the Beast" and because it describes the fairytale of Beauty and the Beast. This fairytale has been around for many centuries, and most importantly, the Love that Belle and the Beast have is forever, and is as old as time. My boyfriend always helps me decide on things, and I asked him about various names and he liked Tale As Old As Time the best, and so I chose it.

In sum, I decided to make this website because of my love for Beauty and the Beast, and I hope to expand it as time goes on.