Beauty and the Beast Movies

There are several different movies about Beauty and the Beast. Here are some I have found. If you would like to know more about these or purchase them, please click on the links below the information about the movies. You can find more information at Wikipedia.Org and the Internet Movie Database.

La Belle et La Bête
Jean Cocteau, 1946
Wikipedia | IMDB

Beauty and the Beast
Metro Goldwyn Mayer, 1986

Beauty and the Beast
Good Times Entertainment and GoldenFilms, 1992
Wikipedia | IMDB | Gallery

Beauty and the Beast, Plus 2 More Color Cartoons!
UAV Home Video, 1992

Beauty and the Beast, and Bonus Cartoons.
East West Entertainment, LLC. (, 1992
Note: This movie is the same as the one above (by UAV Home Video), and contains more bonus cartoons.

Beauty and the Beast.
Blue Moon Children's Education Software Toddlers Ages 2-5. (

Beauty and the Beast [2003] (Region 2)
Delta Music Plc, September 7, 2003 (Link)
Click the image to Enlarge.

The Beautician and the Beast
Paramount Pictures, 1997
Wikipedia | IMDB

Beauty and the Beast
Faerie Tale Theatre
Starmaker II Studio, 2004

Beauty and the Beast: A Latter-Day Tale
Also known as Belle and the Beast
Candlelight Media, LDS cinema
March 16, 2007
Click on the images to enlarge.
Official Website | IMDB | Wikipedia

Hello Kitty: Kitty & the Beast
Click on the image to enlarge.
Amazon | IMDB