Updates Archives - October 2006
Updates for October of 2006
October 03, 2006
+ [11:20 pm] - I have updated the navigation, the index page, the past updates pages, as well as the affiliates and sister sites page. Today is the release of The Little Mermaid on Platinum Edition DVD!!!
October 08, 2006
+ [02:25 am] - There is a new layout up, to celebrate the month of Halloween!
It is rather odd and funny that in the previous layouts page I have the first layout as having been put up October 7, 2006, as this is when I technically began working on the website. And here we are, a year later, almost to the exact date (yesterday, actually), and I am back to using orange again! (Also, this is one of the first times I use a font other than Georgia on the website! The font is now Tahoma). Technically I have been working on this website for one year and one day, but the anniversary of the opening is in November. Also in November is the 15-year anniversary of the release of Beauty and the Beast, so there will be something special put up there. I was hoping to get the chance to make some graphics I have been wanting to make, but I hope to be able to make them and put them up this upcoming weekend, due to an examination I have coming up on Wednesday. I hope everyone likes the layout!
October 15, 2006
+ [10:19 am] - Tale As Old As Time has moved!!! We are now at http://beautybeast.positivelyprimeval.org/ , however you can still link to http://www.taleasoldastime.co.nr/
There are a bunch of updates! The Grand Gallery is no longer a photobucket account, but I have installed a new Grand Gallery and now I have finished uploading ALL of the Beauty and the Beast movie screencaptures!!!! I will add the Belle's Magical World Screencaptures soon!
There is also a new affiliate!! Disney Classics, a Beautiful Disney Website!!!
I have also moved the Backgrounds/Wallpapers page from the Grand Gallery to the Multimedia+Graphics, and the Fine Art Prints from the Grand Gallery to the Reference And Historical.
I have to make this a quick update and I must go change many links, so I hope everyone enjoys the Grand Gallery I'll also update the affiliates page and I've updated the past updates page, and I'll update all of the lyrics page as well.
October 16, 2006
+ [09:00 pm] - I have added a beautiful Gift given to me by Sian of Disney Promises and Something There!! Thank you!!!
I also didn't write previously that I have Adopted Beast. I'll make a button for that soon. :)
October 30, 2006
+ [03:20 pm] - We have a new affiliate, Magical Disney ! Tomorrow is Halloween here, so I hope everyone has fun!! More updates are coming up!